My Fear of Failure

I’m going to tell you a secret. It’s not something I like to talk about, but I do feel like it’s one of those universal things that needs to be mentioned and admitted by a lot of twenty year olds.

I’m terrified of this “adulthood thing.” I’m petrified that every day that I wake up I’m one day closer to being a grown up. I don’t feel ready…I heard that’s normal…but if I’m honest I feel like I am the least prepared for this “world living thing.” I wasn’t kidding when I said I don’t have a lot of things together.

How I've been feeling about adulthood lately Photo

How I’ve been feeling about adulthood lately,

I don’t. I am continuously frustrated with school and over the course of this week I’ve just been feeling incredibly tired and fed up with so many things in my academic and personal life.

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